Canada has a lot of traditional dishes and desserts that many people love and specifically travel to this part of the world to try the original ones. Here you can taste any kind of dish that is specific to a particular part of the country. In each Canadian province, you can find various types of dishes that have become a signature. And in today’s article, we are going to talk about some of the most popular and delicious Canadian dishes that are out there, and many people come to this country to taste the authentic version of those foods.

Butter Tarts

Canadians tried the first butter tart at the beginning of the 20th century and ever since it has become one of the most remarkable traditional dishes in the country. Having very few simple ingredients, it is very easy to make this delicious treat. In most Canadian families, the recipe runs from the generations, and the only variation of the ingredient is for raisins or nuts. Of course, many families have their secret ingredients as well, which makes their butter tart more delicious and unique. However, the traditional butter tart is and will always be one of the most traditional dishes in Canada.


We couldn’t leave this traditional dish from Quebec behind. Poutine is another popular dish in Canada. Some would say it’s the most famous one. Everyone loves fries. And if you add delicious gravy and cheese curds to it, you get yourself the famous Canadian Poutine. If you want to try the most real Poutine in Canada, pay attention to the cheese. If you hear a squeak while you chew, you have the right cheese curd, which makes your Poutine the right one. There is no province in Canada that does not eat Poutine. You can find this dish anywhere in this country. Having only three ingredients, it is very simple to prepare. However, there are many unique and special ingredients that many cooks add to have extra flavor and taste. 


According to recent studies, Canadians can eat around one billion donuts each year. If you are ever in Canada, you will notice donut shops and trucks on every corner of every city. Timbits are the most popular donut in Canada. If you know someone from Canada, you can ask about this specific donut, and you will surely get a positive answer about trying various types of Timbits, knowing someone who works there, and going to the Tim Hortons drive-thru at least once a day. There are different kinds of Timbits. The most popular ones are powdered sugar, chocolate, and many more.

Lobster Rolls

Something that we know about Canada is that they have the most luxurious seafood in the world, including lobsters. The most popular type of dish with Lobster is Lobster Rolls, which is being prepared in seawater. People love to add mayo on the bun to add extra flavor. In many Canadian Provinces, Lobster Rolls have the same popularity as cheeseburgers in the States. Many chefs prepare various types of this dish depending on the restaurant, and each one of them is uniquely delicious.



Another delicious dish that is popular in Quebec is Cretons. Locals also call this dish Gorton. This traditional dish is basically a spread with pork meat and onions. People also add spices to have more flavors to taste. Normally, Canadians eat this dish as breakfast on toast or bread. Once you eat it, you will notice the fatty flavor, which is similar to rillettes in France. There are people who use veal or chicken meat instead of pork. Various seasonings have a special part in this dish as they bring the most delicious flavors. Many people use cinnamon, nutmeg, or cumin.

Flapper Pie

The last Canadian traditional dish that we included on our list is a dessert called Flapper Pie. This Canadian pie has meringue as a base and vanilla as a top. It has become popular in the 19th century. By that time, people called it a cream pie with Graham Cracker. However, people changed the name to Flapper Pie by the 20th century. There are Canadian Provinces where people use whipped cream instead of meringue. People who make the pie this way say that it has a richer flavor. Regardless of what kind of topping you add to the Flapper pie, you will always be filled with joy when you have a slice of this delicious dessert.

The bottom line

The list of Canadian traditional dishes is endless. Even though we couldn’t manage to show all of the dishes that Canadians make and love, the dishes on our list are certainly the most favorite dishes of both locals and those who travel here to taste them. Canadians love to eat, and there’s no doubt that Canadian cuisine is one of the most delicious ones in the world. So whenever you are traveling to Canada, regardless of the province you are in, make sure to try some of the most popular Canadian dishes from our list. You will be absolutely amazed at how delicious these dishes are.